I received this order from Marzu of Kemensah also while I was in PD a few days ago. I just came to know that Marzu was my sister Ain's college-mate in UKM, and she taught my daughter Nurin when she was in IIUM Montessori, what a small world! Marzu now owns her own kindie franchise - Now-C-Heart Montessori.
Marzu's little daughter Camelia is turning 4 and loves Barbie Mariposa, so the doting mom ordered an upright doll cake that was inspired by it. The actual Barbie Mariposa had knee length skirt, well obviously that won't do for this cake (how would it stand?). Lucky Nurin has the doll, I borrowed it to replicate the dress. The only thing that wasn't there were the wings. There's no way to attach it, it would've been possible on a fondant doll cake though. (Hmm.. it's something for me to ponder upon.. will do more experiments!) I finished decorating the cake at 1.30am, was very pleased with the final product. I am glad Marzu and Camelia were happy with it. It came to my attention that Camelia had guarded her cake protectively so no one could come near it at the party. LOLs! Kids do the funniest things... Happy 4th birthday dear Camelia!